Social Media Content Pillars: Things You Need to Know

The fast-paced digital world is becoming more competitive every day, and it is vital to stay ahead of the curve. Social media is constantly evolving, bringing new trends, challenges, and opportunities. To overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities, you need a successful strategy, which can be content pillars.

Have you ever heard about content pillars? No need to worry because in this article, we are going to uncover a few things you need to know about social media content pillars. Let's get started without wasting any more time. 

What are content pillars? 

It is a theme or topics that your brand regularly discusses and creates content on for social media. These themes are the foundation and building blocks of the social media strategy, ensuring consistency and coherence in your brand messaging. With them, you can organize your social media content, making it easier to plan, create, and distribute the content. 

Why are social media content pillars important? 

Social media content pillars are highly vital. We are going to understand a few benefits of this. 

Increases website traffic 

With the help of pillar content, you can quickly increase brand awareness and even website traffic over time. This type of content generally focuses on new trends and other content that people will love. 


Pillar content is highly focused on educational and valuable content, which helps you establish authority over topics your audience generally cares about and build brand trust. 

Higher search rankings

Google prefers longer-form content, which helps it understand your web pages. Creating content pillars also shows that you are providing a comprehensive source of information. 

What are the four pillars of social media? 

We are going to understand the four types of available social media pillars. Let's take a look. 


The first one is influence. You need to know that influence plays a crucial role in social media. It is regarded as the ability to persuade people in one direction. Being an influencer, you can quickly gain this status by actively engaging with your followers and providing value to them. 


Trust can be gained easily, and it holds an important place. We need you to know that the only way to build trust is by sticking to the core values of that brand, and with the help of content pillars, you can easily gain it. 


Another one is uniqueness, which means you have to create unique content. It will help you stand out in the crowded market. As you know, social media is highly crowded, and it can be really challenging to stand out. But with the help of the content pillar, you can do it easily. 


Another pillar is relevance. And the best way to measure it is through its ability to provide value to its audience constantly. The value depends on the niche and industry.  

How do you create content pillars? 

We have discussed why content pillars are crucial and how they may support brand planning and strengthening; however, how would you approach their creation?

Align with your organizational strategy

Your content pillars should match your organizational strategy, much as your social media approach would match it. Reviewing your approach can help you remember what you are aiming to achieve, and your material pillars help you realize your approach.

Examine your analytics

On your channels, what kinds of content attract the most interaction and show the best performance? Review your data and insights, and then undertake a content audit. Which forms of presentation usually work best? Over lengthy form, does short form copy perform better? Which subjects or themes most draw in readers?

Examining your analytics closely can help you better understand what kind of material your audience interacts with most and what interests them overall.

Ask your audience 

While your analytics can reveal a lot about your audience's interests, social media's brilliance is that you can also simply ask them. Features of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram let you poll your followers to better understand them. Instagram also features a Question Sticker, whereby you may pose a particular question, and your followers may respond more flexibly. Asking your audience should help you improve your pillars rather than define them. One of your pillars might be proving your influence. Find out from your audience whether they would rather hear stories or statistics.

Engage other teams

Social media does not exist on an island. Since content crosses several departments, it is crucial to include people in the development of your content pillars. Arrange a workshop and invite pertinent colleagues to participate and feed into the pillars. Come ready with the pillars you want to provide, grounded on understanding, so give a firm basis.

Share across the organization

Create your content pillars, but don't keep them to yourself. Plan a "lunch and learn," submit a blog entry on your intranet, or request a team meeting slot.

Still, there will be niche postings.

Content pillars will reinforce your brand and assist you in organizing your materials. Still, there has to be adaptability. However, they will be helpful in pushing back when other teams ask you to provide something that doesn't fit. Naturally, some material still has to be shared. And that is fine. At least a 4:1 ratio will help you to make sure your pillar material exceeds "other" stuff.


This is everything we want you to know about social media content pillars. Make sure you read everything we have provided in the content and further develop your strategy. Now, stay ahead of time and stick to your plan as much as you can.


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